Apr, 2019

Recently I found this at Nutanix and I just love it: We’re Hungry. Humble. Honest. With Heart.


You as the best leader you can be, what is more important, to recognize people by their engagement and contribution or to control them as much as you can? I hope you agree that an honest recognition of your people is much more important than to create a micro controlling environment. Sure, even in efficient markets, controlling is needed, but dangerous too. If you don’t deal balanced and properly with it, it will frustrate people rather than motivate them. It can end up in a culture of mutual distrust which will destroy a lot of your power as a company and for sure, you will not be able to hold and develop a real value-based company culture, which is the strongest virtual engine in a company.

Mutual distrusts ends up in loosing focus, efficiency and the ability to adapt. Even worse, at the end, customer orientation bill be massively damaged, and nobody will do more than the minimum and therefore also kill each potential idea and innovation. Beside this, be aware that although you may have the best BI tool in place, the system is only able to show you a smaller part of the reality what’s going on, especially if you are in the service industry. Keeping this in mind, it is obvious, that caring and enabling people every day is much more important than caring and developing new reports all the time, although you may need it to a certain extent.